COVID Protocols


Here is a summary of our COVID protocols as we head into the start of the year, which all follow the most current official guidance. We are committed to continuing to enjoy all our major gatherings and events at the school. At the same time, we are 100% maintaining all our school-wide cleaning protocols and air purification systems. 


  • Masks are optional, and we create a supportive environment regardless of your choice. 
  • There are no social distancing restrictions anywhere in the school. That includes classrooms and meeting areas, hallways, or multi-purpose spaces such as the auditorium, cafeteria, or gym. This also includes evening events or other school gatherings. 
  • If there is a COVID case connected to your child’s class, we will notify the grade level that a person tested positive in a particular section and share the date of last contact. If last date of contact was more than 2 days from the onset of symptoms, you will not be notified of the case.  
  • People who are contacts do NOT need to quarantine.  If you don’t have COVID and are otherwise healthy, you can come to school.  Children who have a family member with COVID can also continue coming to school unless they develop symptoms themselves. 
  • People with COVID can return to school after 5 days, provided they have been fever-free without medication for 24 hours (just like any other sickness).  However, they MUST wear a mask for the next 5 days (through Day 10). 


Remote Learning: 

  • If a child has a documented COVID case, or another officially documented illness, injury, or condition that requires remaining home for an extended period of time, then the child may have access to learning remotely during that time. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis with administration. 
  • Children who are informally kept home sick will NOT have access to remote learning.   
  • In general, if we receive notice prior to 3:15pm of a situation that qualifies for remote learning, your child can begin remote learning the next day.  If we are notified later than that, then your child may begin the day after next (example: a late Monday notification would be a Wednesday remote start).  With a weekend notification, you should expect a Tuesday start. That said, our teachers always do what they can to accommodate, but thank you for understanding that remote learning access sometimes has to wait.  


COVID Testing: 

  • There is no “test to stay” program and we will no longer be conducting periodic district-wide testing. 
  • We will always have test kits at the school to send home to anyone in need – no worries.