Partner High Schools & the Pocantico Hills Central School District

  • Our school is organized as a Pre-K through grade 8 district. Upon completion of eighth grade, our students may choose to attend one of three public high schools to complete their secondary program. We refer to Briarcliff High School, Pleasantville High School, and Sleepy Hollow High School as our “partner schools”.

    A comprehensive and objective selection process involving our students and their families takes place each year. The process includes information meetings for parents, and school visits for our students.

    Our partnership is strengthened through direct contact between our faculty members and staff from each school as well as administrative meetings involving superintendents and high school principals throughout the academic year.

    Our district’s commitment to our secondary students does not end with high school selection. Each year we host annual Alumni Days when we welcome our graduates back to Pocantico Hills. These events reconnect our high school students with their alma mater and provide our staff with valuable information and insight. In addition, representatives from our Board of Education and administrative team proudly attend graduation ceremonies at each of the three high schools.